Collision: Personalization versus Regulation
Like every industry in the world, the hospitality industry is also required to prepare for the expected hardening of the use of personal information of customers and suppliers.

Chefs as Agents of Change
Restaurants are Institutes which function is twofold: providing a solution to hunger and a place for social entertainment. The usual convention is that any political matter should remain outside the restaurant door.

Africa: A snapshot of the hotel industry
The Marriott International Hotel chain has large plans in Africa. At this stage, the program includes 93 new hotels with 17,708 rooms of various types, almost half of which are already under development and construction.

Leonardo DiCaprio – excellent public relations with added environmental value
The news that movie star Leonardo DiCaprio joined as an Israeli tourism project has caused some excitement in the Hebrew media and social networks

Looking into the future: Artificial intelligence in the hotel industry
The tourism industry in general and the hotel industry in particular are characterized by customer needs and requirements. Knowing the customer and understanding quickly, if not immediately, of his desires makes the difference.

The five fastest growing restaurants in the US in 2017
In the United States, there are 177 restaurant brands with an annual turnover of over $ 200 million, and restaurant chains that offer, beyond quality fast meals, a special customer experience.

Aviation: A new concept for luxury accommodation on long flights
A collaboration between aircraft manufacturer Airbus and the aerospace equipment maker Zodiac Aerospace signifies, perhaps, a new era of airline hospitality.

The Waiters Retirement Revolution in Israel: The public debate ignores the professionals
On March 26, 2018, the National Labor Court of Israel accepted a ruling that, according to all the experts, is expected to change the face of the restaurant industry in Israel, and will also affect certain parts of the hotels and events industry.

For decades, Albania was under a harsh communist regime that oppressed the inhabitants and the economy. In fact, with the collapse of the Iron Curtain and the Westernization of the Eastern European countries and the countries of influence of the former Yugoslavia, Albania remained a lonely island of communism.

Booking.com: 5 million records for alternative accommodation
The e-commerce website of shopping.com (booking.com) announced a milestone: 5 million records in the category of ‘homes, apartments and special places to stay’.

Barcelona does not want to, investors actually do
In 1992, Barcelona hosted the Olympic Games and upgraded itself to one of the most popular tourist cities in the world, certainly in Europe, and even more so on the shores of the Mediterranean.

The daily habits of the most effective hotel marketers
Hotels are a competitive and demanding area. Every morning the “war” on customers begins again.
So what distinguishes the successful from the less successful? What makes the marketing stars of the hotel industry what they are?