Source: Interior Design
In one of the previous reports we reported on five trends that change the hospitality industry. In the linked story, two combines: new and renewed use of old hospitality buildings and the implementation of enriching attractions for sophisticated tourists.
An old hotel in Miami Beach, which has known good times, has re-opened its days as an ice cream museum, which gives its guests both knowledge and taste experiences of delights in a variety of flavors and styles.
4 floors of ice cream lust for the eyes and palate. The designs – how not? – Inspired by the colors of ice creams and flavors of ice creams and ice cream drinks. The pictures in the linked story are simply heart-warming and appetizing for the trip.
Selected Quote
“Huge reproductions of ice cream cones have integral fans to cool sweaty bodies as beats blast from speakers”
Published on: March 14, 2018
Source language: English