source: Hospitality Net
Like every industry in the world, the hospitality industry is also required to prepare for the expected hardening of the use of personal information of customers and suppliers.
This happens at the very beginning of an era in which the personal information about customers accumulated in the organization’s systems – hotel, restaurant, etc. – becomes the No. 1 marketing tool.
In other words, the need for customization of services, products, solutions and marketing and sales processes conflicts with the new regulation of databases.
What are the solutions?
The linked article does not really provide solutions. It is still too early, and in fact there is no branch that has digested the change. But it gives a good background image for the hospitality industry professionals – ahead of the articles that will come
The subject will engage marketing and sales professionals for a long time.
We are entering a time of hyper-personalization - guests show dominating preference for hospitality experiences which are more unique in nature and catered to individual needs / expectations"ר
Quote selected
“Hotels are faced with an interesting dilemma. We’re entering a time of hyper-personalization — guests show dominating preference for hospitality experiences which are more unique in nature and catered to individual needs/expectations”
Posted on : May 18, 2018
Source Language: אנגלית